The Neo.Fashion. has set itself the goal of being a platform and hub for the best graduates from fashion universities and young designers from all over Germany and the German-speaking area and in the context of the "Best Graduates' Shows", exhibitions and digital presentations as well as other show formats to present "Fashion for Future" to a wide audience of experts and visitors.
As a new future network, the Neo.Fashion. This gives young prospective designers from nationwide universities and established fashion creatives an (event) platform for the presentation of their collections, for further training, for establishing contacts with fashion brands and industry and for networking.
Berlin and Neo.Fashion.
Berlin is the capital of the future of fashion! Berlin stands for constant change, further development and creative innovation. All of this is reflected in the concept of Neo.Fashion. again. The Neo.Fashion. establishes a previously unseen network for all those involved in the creative industries, universities and graduates, companies in the fashion industry, politics and, last but not least, the media.
Berlin, Germany
2024年7月2日 - 2024年7月3日